Investment Basics - Broker Certification Form
Fire relief associations using the services of a broker must complete a uniform Broker Certification Form that is provided by the OSA. The Broker Certification Form must be completed before a relief association may enter into a business arrangement with a broker, and must be completed annually thereafter. A copy of each completed form should be submitted to the OSA with the relief association’s annual reporting forms.
If any portion of the relief association’s assets are held by a security broker or its agent, the security broker or its agent must acknowledge in writing annually that sufficient insurance has been obtained from the Securities Investor Protection Corporation (SIPC), supplemented by additional insurance, if necessary, to cover the full amount of the relief association’s assets held by the security broker or its agent.
Note that the Minnesota State Board of Investment (SBI) is not considered a broker for purposes of this reporting requirement. A relief association that invests with the SBI is therefore not required to have the SBI complete a Broker Certification Form.
The Broker Certification Form (BC-1) for fire relief associations is available on the Pension Forms page of the OSA website, under “Current Forms.”
Additional Resources
More information can be found in our Pension Investment Basic Series found in the Investment Basics Topic.
Additional information is provided for in a Statement of Position on Relief Association Investment Authority and in another Statement of Position on Relief Association Investment Policies.
Published last in the February 2024 Pension Newsletter