Fuel Purchases
Government entities should check that internal controls for fuel purchases for publicly-owned vehicles are in place. Some governmental entities use the following controls for each fuel purchase:
- Identify the person making the fuel purchase, the type and amount of fuel purchased, the vehicle being fueled and its odometer reading at the time of fueling, and the date, time, and location of the purchase.
- Require original, detailed receipts for all fuel purchases.
- Review all fuel purchases at least monthly, including a calculation of fuel consumption for each vehicle.
Active monitoring of fuel purchases is important. Calculating the fuel consumption for each vehicle may disclose the need for repair or replacement of a vehicle. A monthly review of fuel purchases may also reveal items that need additional follow-up, such as the purchase of unleaded fuel for a diesel vehicle, the purchase of amounts exceeding a vehicle’s fuel tank capacity, or fuel purchases during non-working hours. The follow-up is important to ensure that public funds were used appropriately.
Date this Avoiding Pitfall was most recently published: 6/16/2023