OSA Weekly Update - 8/30/2024

1. Message from Auditor Blaha

2. Meeting: Fire Relief Association Working Group

3. Pension: Fire Relief Association Newsletter Signup

4. Updated: TIF Statements of Position

5. Avoiding Pitfall: Meeting Minutes

1. Message from Auditor Blaha

Happy Labor Day weekend! Labor Day represents the power of people working together for common solutions. I’m grateful to work with so many dedicated individuals across our state, both on my own team and the teams of the entities we serve. No great Minnesota idea becomes real without your work – thank you!

2. Meeting: Fire Relief Association Working Group

The State Auditor’s Fire Relief Association Working Group will be meeting on Sept. 5, from 2-3:30 p.m.

The meeting will be held in a hybrid format and will be live streamed for those who are interested in watching. The live-stream link, and the meeting agendas and materials, will be available on the Working Group page of the OSA website.

3. Pension: Fire Relief Association Newsletter Signup

A new format for the monthly Fire Relief Association Newsletter was unveiled this month. The newsletter provides announcements, reminders about upcoming deadlines, and tips for relief association trustees. If you don’t currently receive the newsletter and would like to be added to the distribution list, sign up here.

4. Updated: TIF Statements of Position

All TIF-related Statements of Position have been reviewed and can be found on the OSA website. Most received no changes or non-substantive formatting edits.

The following did have some updates:

  • TIF Four Year Rule: An example about the timeliness of reporting activity to the county and a clarification about the recertification of a parcel was added.
  • TIF Temporary Transfer Authority: Language adjusted to past and present tense. New language was added relating to unspent transfers.
  • TIF Bond Financing: An expanded definition was added for Pay-As-You-Go (PAYG) obligations, and miscellaneous edits were made for clarity.

If you have any questions, contact us at TIF@osa.state.mn.us.

5. Avoiding Pitfall: Meeting Minutes

Auditors review the minutes of the governing body of a public entity when performing financial and compliance audits. Minutes are important because they help the public entity respond to questions and concerns about actions it has taken. For example, questions about whether a particular payment was authorized should be resolved if the minutes include a listing of all bills allowed or approved by the governing body for payment.

We recommend that the minutes be signed by the clerk. Once approved by the governing body, usually at the next meeting, the minutes should also be signed and dated by a designated member of the governing body to indicate that they are the official meeting minutes.

For assistance in determining what should be included in meeting minutes, please review the OSA's Statement of Position on Meeting Minutes here.

The full Avoiding Pitfall is available on the OSA website.