OSA Weekly Update - 6/16/2023

1. Message from Auditor Blaha

2. Released: Pension Training Video

3. TIF: Reporting "Non-TIF" Bonds

4. Avoiding Pitfall: Fuel Purchases

5. Upcoming Deadlines

1. Message from Auditor Blaha

Happy Freedom Day! This year marks the first year that Juneteenth is an officially recognized holiday by the State of Minnesota. As a government office, we are closed on Monday, June 19.

Juneteenth, Freedom Day, is a celebration of the day that enslaved people were freed in Galveston, TX: June 19, 1865. It is also a reminder that we are just beginning the work of dismantling systemic racism, oppression, and inequity in this country. The National Museum of African American History & Culture is a wonderful resource to learn about and share the history of Juneteenth with those in your community.

If you are interested in Juneteenth events taking place this weekend, here are some ideas:

2. Released: Pension Training Video

A new training video SAFES: A Complete Guide for Fire Relief Associations is available. The video explains how relief association officers and municipal officials log into the State Auditor’s Form Entry System (SAFES) to access and sign pension reporting forms. Additional training videos for relief association trustees can be found under the “Pension Division” heading on the OSA Training Opportunities page.

3. TIF: Reporting "Non-TIF" Bonds

A "non-TIF bond" is one not secured by a pledge of increment from any TIF district. A development authority must be able to establish that the use of tax increment to pay debt service on a non-TIF bond is legally authorized. As TIF authorities work on completing TIF Annual Reporting Forms, form preparers should take note to understand how the reporting of "non-TIF bonds" differs from reporting TIF bonds.

For more information please review the article on the OSA website.

If you have any questions, please contact us at TIF@osa.state.mn.us.

4. Avoiding Pitfall: Fuel Purchases

Government entities should check that internal controls for fuel purchases for publicly-owned vehicles are in place. Some governmental entities use the following controls for each fuel purchase:

  • Identify the person making the fuel purchase, the type and amount of fuel purchased, the vehicle being fueled and its odometer reading at the time of fueling, and the date, time, and location of the purchase.
  • Require original, detailed receipts for all fuel purchases.
  • Review all fuel purchases at least monthly, including a calculation of fuel consumption for each vehicle.

The full Avoiding Pitfall is available on the OSA website.

5. Upcoming Deadlines

2022 Annual Financial Reporting Forms and GAAP Audits

For cities and towns reporting on the GAAP basis of accounting, the Reporting Form and Financial Statements/Audit are due by June 30, 2023. The Reporting Form (in Excel format) and Financial Statements/Audit (in PDF format) should be submitted through SAFES. Any related Audit documents should be emailed to gid@osa.state.mn.us.

2022 Special District Financial Reporting Form

Special District Financial Reporting Form and Audited Financial Statements are due June 30, 2023 for districts whose fiscal year ended December 31, 2022. The Reporting Form and Financial Statements/Audit should be submitted through SAFES.

Performance Measurement Program

Participation in the Performance Measurement Program by a city or a county is voluntary. Counties and cities that choose to participate in the standard measures program must officially adopt and implement the ten minimum performance measures and system developed by the Council on Local Results and Innovation (Council).

In order to receive the per capita reimbursement, counties and cities must file a report (in PDF format) with the Office of the State Auditor by July 1, 2023.

For more information on the Performance Measurement Program, please visit the OSA website.