State Auditor's E-Update - 11/4/2022
1. Message from Auditor Blaha
2. Meeting: Volunteer Fire Relief Association Working Group
3. TIF: District Certifications Require Whole Parcels
4. Reminder: Local Government Training Conference
5. Avoiding Pitfall: Salary Adjustments
1. Message from Auditor Blaha
We are only four days away from the 2022 midterm election on Tuesday, November 8! For many of you, this means you are working around the clock to ensure Election Day runs smoothly in your community.
For those with questions about the election (including where to find your polling location), recommend for the most current, accurate, and nonpartisan information. This site is run by the Minnesota Secretary of State’s office -- it is the most complete and user-friendly source of voter information in Minnesota.
Thank you to every single person working in elections in Minnesota. We know you are working incredibly long hours to ensure every vote is counted. It is because of you that Minnesota's election process is safe and secure.
2. Meeting: Volunteer Fire Relief Association Working Group
The Volunteer Fire Relief Association Working Group will meet on Thursday, November 10 from 2:00 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. Topics on the Working Group’s agenda include discussing the relief association audit threshold, considering required investment through the Minnesota State Board of Investment, and reviewing firefighter definitions.
The meeting will be an in-person/virtual hybrid format, and will be live-streamed for those who are interested in watching. The live-stream link, and the meeting agendas and materials, will be available on the Working Group page of the OSA website.
3. TIF: District Certifications Require Whole Parcels
A TIF district must be comprised of whole parcels, but there might often be parcel changes (plats, splits, or combinations) that accompany the TIF district's development activity. To learn more, see the TIF topic District Certifications Require Whole Parcels.
If you have any questions, please contact us at
4. Reminder: Local Government Training Conference
Registration is open for the State Auditor's 2022 Local Government Training Conference taking place on November 17. You may register through the OSA website.
5. Avoiding Pitfall: Salary Adjustments
When considering salary adjustments as a way to economize, local officials need to consider statutes that may prescribe how salaries of certain officials need to be set. Statutes vary for different local units of government and for different officials.
For example, changes in most city council members’ salaries may not take effect until after the next municipal election. However, city council members may temporarily reduce their own salaries before the next municipal election by enacting an ordinance that will be in effect for 12 months, unless the ordinance specifies a different time period. See Minn. Stat. § 415.11.
As with other important decisions that have legal ramifications, local officials considering compensation changes should consult with their legal advisors.
The Avoiding Pitfall is available on the OSA website.