Updated October 2024
Below is a current list of known issues identified by CTAS users. After each issue you'll find a suggested temporary solution.
We encourage you to visit this page regularly as you continue to use CTAS to see if any new issues have been added. If you discover any issues that are not currently listed, please submit them to ctas@osa.state.mn.us. We will work to correct these issues in the next CTAS program update.
Accounting Module
- ISSUE: When you add and save a new receipt with the "Cleared check" box checked, certain fields will become "read-only", preventing you from saving any subsequently-added receipts.
- SOLUTION: Do not check the "Cleared check" box. Instead, clear receipts by either:
- Reopening the receipts for edit from the Receipts list tab and then checking the Cleared box and saving, or
- Using the Cash Processing feature in the Cash Module (Deposits in Transit).
- ISSUE: If a claim was created but the claims process was not completed and then CTAS was updated to CTAS 2024 Update 1, when trying to print the check, an error message is received and the report is not generated.
- SOLUTION: Open each individual claim and then re-save the claim. Check should now print.
- ISSUE: If a claim was created but the claims process was not completed and then CTAS was updated to CTAS 2024 Update 1, when trying to post to disbursements, an error message is received and the claim does not post to disbursements.
- SOLUTION: Open each individual claim and then re-save the claim. Claim should now post.
- ISSUE: When you add and save a new disbursement with the "Cleared check" box checked, certain fields will become "read-only", preventing you from saving any subsequently-added disbursements.
- SOLUTION: Do not check the "Cleared check" box. Instead, clear disbursements by either:
- Reopening the disbursement for edit from the Disbursement list tab, then checking the Cleared box and saving, or
- Using the Cash Processing feature in the Cash Module (Outstanding Checks).
Payroll Module
Processing Payroll – Earned Sick and Safe Time Accrual with Overtime
- ISSUE: The ESST accrual isn’t calculating correctly under a certain situation when the overtime box is checked. The situation is when hours have been entered with an overtime rate (the overtime box is checked) and then a pay rate with hours is entered below that line. In this situation, the hours from the overtime rate (the line that has the overtime box checked) are not included in the ESST calculation. Note: This only happens when the line below the overtime rate has something entered in the hours.
- For example, when the following two lines are entered, the ESST accrual calculation is correct.
- However, when hours are entered in the third line, the ESST calculation no longer includes the 10 hours of overtime.
- SOLUTION: On the Sick, Vacation, Comp, ESST (F8) tab, add an adjustment in the accrued column to get the adjusted accrued amount to be correct.
Investments Module
- ISSUE: When you add a deposit or withdrawal while editing an investment, you receive a generic CTAS error message stating, "CTAS is unable to complete this operation.” CTAS then saves the entry but creates a check or receipt number of “0” instead of an IAD (Investment Automatic Deposit) or IAW (Investment Automatic Withdrawal) number.
- SOLUTION: Do not add letters or numbers to the CTAS-generated check number (IAD) or receipt number (IAW): doing this will prevent additional deposits or withdrawals from being created for that investment. To fix, remove any letters or numbers from the check or receipt number, returning the created IAD or IAW to its original number: for example, change IAW1a to IAW1 or IAD8b to IAD8.
Administration Module
Unable to Submit State Auditor Data File and Financial Statements
- ISSUE: When trying to submit State Auditor Data File and Financial Statements under the Generate and Submit heading, user is not receiving the pop-up box to enter their SAFES credentials and submit files.
- SOLUTION: In the CTAS Year-End Reporting instructions, for Steps II and III, use option 2. Link to instructions: https://www.osa.state.mn.us/media/03fpaokp/yearendreportinginstructions.pdf.